Gyuhan Lee

Gyuhan Lee (b. 1996) began his formation at Kaywon University of Art and Design, where he specialised in Living Design, questioning the role of the waste that everyday actions carry with them, a question that will give rise to interesting design proposals, where he has forged a personal line.


McDonald's paper bag lamps is a project about recycling paper bags into lighting sculpture. In this process of transforming "waste" into "sculpture", Gyuhan Lee questions the logo, colour and surface. The process of working with the logo aims to move away from it to become patterns, in which its meaning is rethought, stripping the symbol of its roots linked to consumerism. This can be seen in the use of "Hanji", a traditional Korean paper, propitiating a new texture to the product that is generated from the design, away from the mass production of the usual object in which we can find the symbol. Questioning in this way the role of the designer, the craftsman and the consumer.