Hector Chan

Hector Wai-Kit CHAN born in Hong Kong in 1991. As educational background, Chan finished master degree (MA Fine Arts) in University of Arts London (UAL) – Chelsea College of Arts in 2018; graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University – Academy of Visual Arts (BA Visual Arts) in 2015; and exchanged in Fine Arts Academy of Bologna in 2014. 

Chan had curated and participated in exhibitions in Hong Kong and London, some of his artworks are private collected. Chan also works for art and cultural education, had been special lecturer in Chelsea College of Arts, and is currently living and working in Hong Kong.


Chan’s practice is about exploring how the picture, painting and drawing process could capture the fluency, rapidness and quantity of dynamic images, and hence catch up and assemble the desire of seeing and memory.


Dynamic of gesture smoothens and extends seeing, it strikes into the eyes and summons the torrent of images in mind instantly, which brings an image more than an image. Sometimes it penetrates time at a moment, summoning next moment of the movement; and sometimes it penetrates the memory, connecting similar scenes together. Dynamic is a fluent extendibility for images which summons our desire to see across the present image. Furthermore, it is not only an extended desire, but also a symptom of desire itself for the rapidness and quantity of seeing in the image-flooding era.