Soimadou Ibrahim

Soimadou Ibrahim (French, b. 1989) explores and re-examines family memories byrepresenting cherished moments of his life. Growing up in Comoros until 10 years oldinfluenced his perspective on socio-economics, the strength of community andthe complexities of race.


Throughout his adolescent life Ibrahim lived in a small town in Brittany so it is not onlyhis personal experiences but also those of the African diaspora that provide himwitha narrative to share and explore how to navigate the environmentin which you find yourself.


His artworks are adapted from archival photographs, pictures taken by the artisthimself, memories, and imagination. They each portray the importance of relationships,of life itself and the beauty of nature, illustrated by straight lines, bold gestural strokesand bright colours inspired by his studies in graphicdesign and art. They also reaffirm thepersistence and timelessness of memories, encouraging each of us to preserve our own.